Launched: Design Portfolio of Ilker Yoldas | The Thinking Blog ~ Knowledge Grows When Shared
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05 September 2007

Launched: Design Portfolio of Ilker Yoldas

Design is art like all others. Like artists, every graphic designer needs an online portfolio of some sorts to showcase a selection of their best creations for potential clients. This can be done with either getting your own domain name or using one of the free portfolio services out there. Though, many would recommend creating your own portfolio website because there is nothing convincing about a designer portfolio designed by someone else!

As a freelance graphic artist, I also needed such a site. Actually, it was even long overdue but I finally got around doing a very basic portfolio for the moment. One of the most important aspects of an online portfolio is to show the work done in just one page - rather than having thumbnails or slideshows which require more clicking and browsing. It should be right there layed-out in front of everyone as if all the sample designs are spread out on a table like playing cards. I went a step further and created the whole site as one page. I think it's much better that way, what do you think? Click here to view my portfolio. Comments and suggestions welcome!

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