StumbleUpon Is Our Favorite Network | The Thinking Blog ~ Knowledge Grows When Shared
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18 May 2007

StumbleUpon Is Our Favorite Network

That's a fact! According to 42.34% people who took the poll in this post, What is Your Favorite Social Bookmark?, and the response from the comments - StumbleUpon (SU) is our favorite social network. For those who are new to SU, it's a web browser plugin that allows its users to discover and rate webpages, photos, videos, and news articles. These webpages are typically presented when the user clicks the Stumble button on the browser's toolbar.

StumbleUpon chooses which new webpage to display based on the user's ratings of previous pages, ratings by his/her friends, and by the ratings of users with similar interests. i.e. it is a recommendation system which uses peer and social networking principles. Users can rate, or choose not to rate, any webpage with a thumbs up or thumbs down, and clicking the Stumble button resembles "channel-surfing" the web. Toolbar versions exist for Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer.

For those who enjoy my daily posts on this blog, add me as a friend on SU and stumble on more interesting stuff that makes me think!

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