Bargains You Can't Refuse | The Thinking Blog ~ Knowledge Grows When Shared
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20 May 2007

Bargains You Can't Refuse

If you are an online auction addict you will know the trick to grabbing the super bargains is to snap them up at the last possible minute, and that is where Lastminute Auction can help you. The site is suitable for searching eBay auctions in the US, the UK, Germany, Italy and Australia, but it can be used by anyone because you can still snap up bargain buys from abroad if you are willing to pay the postage.

Just click the flag in the top right-hand-corner for the country that interests you and the site will display a list of auctions that have less than an hour to go and feature items that are currently on bids of under $1. Obviously some of the items will not be worth more than a dollar, but many of them will be, and this is where the super bargains can be snapped up.

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