Random Thinking, Sharing and Drinks | The Thinking Blog ~ Knowledge Grows When Shared
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27 May 2007

Random Thinking, Sharing and Drinks

New Features! In my pursuit to coding a more complete design for this blog, I've added some small features this weekend. Now you can read random posts by clicking "Don't Stop Thinking!" under the Random Post section of the sidebar (at the top most). Don't forget to leave your thoughts, questions and suggestions on the posts that you read. Kind of feels like StumbleUpon's "Stumble!" button after a while. You never know what's going to be next!

I've also added a text box under every post where you can easily copy the link code for specific posts to share them with your friends or readers. Not everyone might be aware that the posts' headlines are also permalinks to those posts. So if you would like to refer to a certain post in your blog (or would like to think about a post with your friends on IM), you can simply click the text box under the post and use copy/paste as standard using the CTRL + C and then CTRL + V (for Mac users it's APPLE + C and then APPLE + V) keyboard shortcuts to get the link. Remember our motto; Knowledge grows when shared!

Finally, check out the bottom most of my sidebar and buy me a drink if you enjoy reading The Thinking Blog.

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