To Sort or Not To Sort | The Thinking Blog ~ Knowledge Grows When Shared
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13 April 2007

To Sort or Not To Sort

That is the question! Regular readers of The Thinking Blog will notice that I renamed the "Most Admirers" section in the sidebar as "Must Reads" and moved it down a bit. I used to link to the most popular 3 posts for new readers to check out but I think it doesn't serve any function for regular readers. So I decided to include all the quality posts in the new section that even you might have missed and would like to come back to read and comment on them when you have more time.

Not everyone has the time to read all the posts in the archives and because only one post is published per day, there are posts like this one that are not necessary thought provoking for everyone. However, there is one thing I was thinking about today and I need your help to make a decision. I'm not sure whether sorting the links alphabetically or by date would be the most useful. Currently, they are sorted according to date published but I'm afraid to lose that order if I switch to A-Z and find out that it was better otherwise. It's a simple detail but being a perfectionist doesn't help me at all here.

Please choose either YES or NO for sorting alphabetically in the following poll:

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