5 Reasons Why I'm Thinking | The Thinking Blog ~ Knowledge Grows When Shared
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08 February 2007

5 Reasons Why I'm Thinking

I'm not a fan of blog memes but I could not help but make this post because I was tagged by my dear friend, the one and only, beautiful Jean MacManus. It always makes me wonder who is the one to start these things in the first place. Some bloggers might be quite frustrated (no?) when tagged but I think at times it is beneficial for my reader friends. So, here is 5 reasons why I blog:

1. Knowledge grows when shared. This is my favorite quote of all time and my main motivation to blog.

2. Makes me feel good. If anything was of little help to someone (I hope) then sharing information always made me feel good.

3. Meeting like minded people. The Internet would be a cold place without blogs and receiving comments from readers who like what I write might lead to some great friendships in the future. If you come to Turkey, you can stay my house!

4. Just another hobby. Time left over from studying, sports, and hanging out with friends, this is what I enjoy doing. Its some serious fun!

5. Not for the money. Blogging is not one of my career aspirations so no amount of money will buy me. But hey, I made 5 bucks from Adsense, now I can go buy a magazine that will keep me thinking!

I'm tagging Robert, Divya, Anita, Tisha and John. I would love to hear the reasons why you blog!

On the lighter side, I would like to finish off this post with a (de)motivational poster I got in my inbox. For all you bloggers out there, no matter the reasons why you're blogging! =)

UPDATE: I got tagged again for the same meme by Ray Dotson, Media Lizzy and Louiss Lim.

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