One Feature for a Better MyBlogLog | The Thinking Blog ~ Knowledge Grows When Shared
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05 August 2007

One Feature for a Better MyBlogLog

MyBlogLog BadgeMybloglog (MBL) is continually getting better and better everyday. The team is working hard and they are always open to new ideas from their 200,000+ users. Previously, they have changed the way communities looked and added new features alongside. Removing the ability to leave messages on community pages was a good idea and the RSS feeds made a great addition to the page but the mass messaging feature was not implemented correctly until they added the opt-out option.

More recently, they also improved the search feature by including tags in the results. Now all these new features are nice and great but MBL is huge now. This makes it difficult to find relevant blogs we would be interested to read. Althought I could have made this suggestion on the Suggestion Board but I wanted to illustrate my idea and how it might work out.

Ever since MBL introduced the tags feature I thought tag clouds could be one way to lead the users to blogs they are looking for. They are already doing it on Top 50 communities on the community page but why not add it to members page as well. This feature would make tags more useful and examples from other sites could be given as an example. Take a look at the way Technorati uses tag clouds for posts:

Technorati Tag Clouds

Flickr does the same for tags on photos:

Flickr Tag Clouds

I'm sure other examples could be given from other websites but don't you think the following would be more useful on the members page instead of the current A to Z names directory?

MyBlogLog Tag Clouds
Thanks to Nate Whitehill for the cool looking MyBlogLog logo.

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