Caption An Animal Challenge | The Thinking Blog ~ Knowledge Grows When Shared
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20 August 2007

Caption An Animal Challenge

OK. There was a fun contest on another blog where you find a funny cat picture, add a funny caption on it with Paint (or another similar photo editing software) and submit it on your blog. However, the blog got hi-jacked (?) and I couldn't submit my funny cat pictures. The problem is that now we don't get to see what others were going to submit which would have been a good laugh. What's more, I have had prepared 5 pictures to submit. Here they are:

The challenge:

That's why I'm starting this really simple challenge. All I want you to do is find a funny animal picture (doesn't have to be a photo taken by you - for example, just google funny cat picture - also it doesn't have to be a cat either. Use your imagination), add a funny caption on it - a combination also known as Lolcat - and submit it on your blog with a mention of this challenge. Email the URL to me once it's live.

If you need some inspiration, take a look at these examples. If you are new to this phenomenon and don't know how to "leetspeak" then you can learn from Anil Dash or use the following chart (via) as a guide.

The prize:

In return, I will make a post with all the entries in 5 days (ends on Caturday 25th August 2007) with a link to your entry listed according to date published. That means the first entry will appear on top of the list and the earlier you submit it, the higher up your link will appear. This is your one time chance to earn an easy high quality linkback from one of the most popular blogs according to Technorati. So, I can has submissions now plz? kthxbai

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