The Thinking Blog is more than just a frequently-updated source of amusing facts and interesting information. It is a stream of consciousness intended to be succinct and thought provoking. A cornucopia of eclectic topics aiming to examine a range of exciting ideas, inspirational technologies and cultural curiosities. There is something for everyone; from serious to humorous, for deep and light-hearted thinkers alike.
Wouldn't it be nice to share the information here on your blog? It is called Blidget (short for blog widget) and best described by its developer Widgetbox. "A blidget turns any blog into a widget. And, we don’t just mean an RSS feed widget. Now you can easily create a customized blidget to include any elements from your blog such as photos, post links, images, audio clips and other digital content."
Grab the thinking blog widget here, or by clicking on the "Get My Widget" button above. It takes a few simple steps to install it. If you decide to use it, please let me know in the comments. I would love to hear your experience and see how it looks on your blog.